Philadelphia, PA // 2013

"The Rabid Hands Art Collective has transformed an abandoned clubhouse (complete with its church, theater and bar) into the "Society of Pythagoras," using materials collected on-site and around the city. Collective members Andrew Schrock, Ben Wolf, Serra Victoria Bothwell Fels, and Vanessa Cronan explore the tangled history of the fraternal lodges that once made the site their home, drawing from past and present secret spiritual and fraternal customs to create a mysterious, multi-storied club built on ritual and exploration. Built by hand with divine inspiration, the Knights of Pythagoras clubhouse installation offers a full sensory experience: interactive spiritual sound objects, light baths and ritualistic spaces.

This project has special resonance for the members of Rabid Hands, who hail from Brooklyn, New Orleans, and Detroit--cities where artists have been on the forefront of creative adaptive reuse and transformation of abandoned structures." - Hidden Citys Philadelphia.

Collaboration with Rabid Hands + Hidden Cities

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Photo by Hidden Cities

Photo by Rachel Pfifer

Photo by Rachel Pfifer

Photo by Rachel Pfifer

Photo by Rachel Pfifer

Photo by Rachel Pfifer