"School of Everything" is a bus, a studio and an environment for skill-share anywhere a bus can drive. Andrew has converted this 40 foot blue and white school bus into his mobile studio and residence, essentially his "all in one art adventure command center".

Equipped with generator, welding, and wood working tools, knickknacks, lighting, musical instruments, sound system, wiring, bedroom, hammocks for guests, fully outfitted kitchen, dining room, office, and everything else he needs to roll up anywhere and create from this vehicle of endless possibility.

So far he has traveled all across the country utilizing his studio on wheels to install his art in galleries, abandoned buildings, castles and the woods, as well as helping facilitate other peoples dreams through, by both transporting his collaborators' art as well as installing and helping them realize their exhibitions with the tools and facilities aboard.

You can follow The School of Everything's adventures and collaborations at